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How Hearing Loss Affects You

When it comes to hearing loss, it affects more than just your hearing ability. It affects the way you interact with your loved ones and the world around you. Knowing the various types of hearing loss and the necessary warning signs to look out for are vital. This can help determine if you need professional treatment for your hearing health.

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Hearing Loss

The Types of Hearing Loss

All hearing care professionals categorize hearing loss into two main categories. These include conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss is often considered temporary, while sensorineural is permanent.

Conductive Hearing Loss

Conductive hearing loss is often the result of damage to the outer or middle ear structure. Common causes of conductive hearing loss include infections or damaged eardrums. Otosclerosis and excessive fluid or wax build-up can also cause conductive hearing loss. By removing the blockage or taking medication, we can correct conductive hearing loss.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common hearing problem people face. There are a variety of causes for this type of hearing loss. These include illness, hereditary diseases, natural aging, and head trauma. Certain drugs, inner ear malformations, and loud noise exposure could also cause this. The main treatment for this type of hearing problem is using hearing aids.

Major Warning Signs of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss doesn't always happen all of a sudden. In fact, most sensorineural hearing loss occurs over time. Hearing care professionals list the signs of hearing loss into two main categories: social and emotional. These include social and emotional signs.

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The most common social signs of hearing loss include:

  • You have difficulty hearing in loud environments
  • You ask others to repeat themselves often during conversations
  • It's hard to hear people when they're not facing you
  • It sounds like other people are mumbling
  • You're told that you speak too loud
  • You often mishear others
  • You're always turning up the volume on your television or radio
  • It's hard for you to understand children and those with higher pitched voices

The most common emotional signs of hearing loss include:

  • You feel tired after trying to understand what other are saying
  • You become frustrated because you can't understand others
  • You become anxious about having conversations with others
  • You're embarrassed during social situations due to misunderstandings
  • You avoid loud environments and social situations

If you notice that you have the warning signs, it's best to seek professional treatment. Hearing aids can be a great solution. They can allow you to better hear the environment and people around you. In fact, it may shock you how effective hearing aids are at enhancing your social situations.

Contact Us Today

If you're experiencing hearing loss or want to upgrade your hearing aids, give us a call today. Beltone Hearing Center HearWell Audiology and Associates can help with your hearing needs. Our hearing care professionals will find the best options for your needs and budget.