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Bluetooth Beltone Hearing Aids
Getting The Most Out Of Your Bluetooth Hearing Aids
If you're on the search for new hearing aids, you should highly consider investing in Bluetooth-enabled devices, as they can bring you many benefits.
Understanding Mixed Hearing Loss
What Is Mixed Hearing Loss?
There are different types of hearing loss. Mixed hearing loss is one of these types, and you may find that hearing aids are the perfect solution.
Hearing and Loss
How Does A Standard Threshold Shift Affect Hearing
If you work in an environment where regular noises are present, you'll want to do everything possible to protect your hearing.
Walking Dog
How Assistive Listening Devices Help With Hearing Loss
Assistive listening devices or ALDs are designed to help those with hearing loss to better understand the sounds being expressed around them.
Hearing Health Exam
How Old Should I Be To Have Regular Hearing Tests?
It's vital that you do everything to take care of your hearing. One of these practices is getting regular hearing tests from a licensed audiologist.
Holidays With Hearing Tips
Enjoy The Holidays With These Hearing Tips
If you have hearing aids, catching up with family and friends during the holiday festivities can seem challenging.