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Hearing Screening

How To Know It's Time For A Hearing Aid

For many, hearing loss is something that comes on over time. It may start as not understanding various sounds while conversing. From there, it can turn into having difficulty with more and more sounds over time. As you notice problems, it's best to get your hearing assessed by a hearing care professional. They may decide that hearing aids can help you hear the world around you.

What is Hearing Loss?

Many people confuse hearing loss with deafness. Deafness means that you can't hear anything. Hearing loss means that you have trouble hearing some things. Loss of hearing has a wide range of classifications ranging from mild to profound. Most hearing loss requires hearing aids. An audiologist can program these hearing aids to fit the individual needs of the wearer.

What Causes Hearing Loss?

There are many causes of hearing loss. The most common is aging as the body's ability to hear decreases as we get older. Another common culprit is exposure to loud noise or constant noise. The damage that noise can do depends on its frequency and decibel level.

Other hearing loss causes include tumors, ear wax, infections, and abnormal bone growth. Sometimes you can treat the underlying cause of these issues. This can include removing the ear wax. This can help to restore a person's hearing. In other cases, you'll need to invest in hearing aids to restore your hearing.

Most Common Signs of Hearing Loss

Most hearing loss develops over time. Because of this, you need to know the typical warning signs that you have a problem. This will allow you to address the problem early on before it gets worse.

The most common symptom of hearing loss is asking others to repeat themselves often. You'll likely find that certain people are harder to understand than others. This is due to the tone of their voice. You may also notice that you're always turning up the volume on your television or radio.

Another common symptom of hearing loss is having trouble hearing in noisy environments. Everyone has difficulty hearing at a loud rock concert. But those with hearing loss issues will have trouble hearing in a restaurant. You may find that more focused on lip reading and body language to determine what others are saying.

You'll notice that when others aren't looking at you, it can be hard to understand what they're saying. You may find yourself withdrawing from social situations and spending more time alone. These are all crucial signs that you may need to get hearing aids sooner rather than later.

Call Us Today

If you're struggling with your hearing, it's time to give us a call. Let our hearing care professionals test your hearing abilities. We can provide you with the best hearing aid recommendations to fit your needs.